I wasn’t sure if you were
the body builder Billy Bob or
A foul-mouthed hatred
that stunk out the Poetry
Book Society: all your dirty
frothing and filth to tell
the truth? Billy Bob – your insult
beginning with Rocky
Horror on your wall will kill
us, Dammit Billy Bob!
We can’t all be ugly and clever
from Oxford waving a PHD and
a terrible poem , or two (yourself).
My advice, like your advice,
is stop! This car-park
scuffling with poetry is not
or dangerous. It is Tesco
on a bad day
with all the cup-cakes sold out.
Mrs Hongo
Mrs Hongo is a poet and horse rider from Devon. She was disappointed not to be included in the Next Generation list, after her collection,
Elvis Lives in a Honolulu Anagram was published in 2011, but she wishes all on the list well! 'What a top list!' she cried. Mrs Hongo blogs
HERE, sometimes.
Domestic Cherry has its own list. Let poets eat cake we say: